So today I refactored some part of our application and I redid the breadcrumbs part. All routes are stored in App.Router.router.currentHandlerInfos
. So by using this, I could compute the needed informations and put that in a controller:
App.BreadcrumbsController = Ember.Controller.extend(
needs: "application"
breadContent: Ember.computed ->
routes = App.get("Router.router.currentHandlerInfos")
segments =, (route) ->
if route.isDynamic and route.context
name = route.context.get("id")
context = route.context
dotIndex = _.lastIndexOf(, '.')+1
name = Ember.String.capitalize(
return {
name: name
context: context
return segments
The _.tail is used to get rid of the "application" route which is always here. Then for the route name, I only take what is after the last dot, so a route: 'user.edit' will appear as 'edit'. Note the dependency on ApplicationController.currentPath. This make sure the property is updated whenever the route changes.
The template look like this:
<ul class="breadcrumb">
<li>{{#linkTo 'index'}}<i class="icon-home"></i>Home{{/linkTo}}</li>
{{#each segment in breadContent}}
<span class="divider">></span>
<a href="javascript://" {{action gotoRoute segment}} >{{}}</a>
And we also need to add the gotoRoute in the controller:
gotoRoute: (routeOpt)->
if routeOpt.context
@transitionToRoute(routeOpt.routePath, routeOpt.context)
This action is here because ember's linkTo helper cannot get a route with a variable name.
Finally, wherever you need the breadcrumbs, call it with {{ render breadcrumbs }}
And that's it, now you have easy breadcrumbs, which links to the right part of the app. Enjoy