Parsing CSV with "NaN" values
Another question popped up today on #haskell-beginners
. The usecase is pretty simple.
There is a csv file with the bytestring NaN
inside, and you want to get these as Double
The first thing is to actually get Maybe Double
, NaN
is evil, and it's better to be upfront
about invalid Double
Let's see first how to solve this problem, and then, let's explore a couple of options to get GHC "write" code for us. This is meant as an beginner/intermediate tutorial.
Straightforward solution
Csv and Types
Here's the csv we're going to be concerned about for this post. I ommited the header to simplify the parsing. The first field is a tag, and the second field is a number.
Here's the record we want to map row to:
data MyRecord = MyRecord
{ description :: String
, number :: Maybe Double
deriving (Show)
The expected result is to get Nothing
when NaN
is encountered.
cassava is the de-facto standard to parse csv. It provides
two typeclasses: FromRecord to parse a row into a record, and FromField to parse a given field from a raw ByteString
So let's write these instances, by hand first.
-- hailing from the cassava package
import qualified Data.Csv as Csv
import Data.Csv ((.!))
-- the venerable bytestring package
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
instance Csv.FromRecord MyRecord where
parseRecord rec
| length rec == 2 = MyRecord <$> rec .! 0 <*> (rec .! 1 >>= parseMbNaN)
| otherwise = fail "boom, not enough fields"
parseMbNaN :: BS.ByteString -> Csv.Parser (Maybe Double)
parseMbNaN raw =
-- this is where OverloadedStrings comes into play, we can
-- directly write "NaN" in code and we get a ByteString
if raw == "NaN"
then pure Nothing
else Just <$> Csv.parseField raw
And then put everything together:
-- from the equally venerable vector package
import qualified Data.Vector as V
main :: IO ()
main = do
let raw = "coucou,42\nboom,NaN"
let result :: Either String (V.Vector MyRecord)
result = Csv.decodeWith Csv.defaultDecodeOptions Csv.NoHeader raw
print result
Automatic FromRecord
instance with Generics
Cassava provides a way to automatically get a FromRecord
instance if the datatype
derives Generic
. If you're new to the Generic
mechanism, the idea is that GHC can
produce an internal representation of data types, and it's possible to pattern match on
this structure to do plenty of useful things. This tutorial is very nice as an introduction to the concept.
I'm also going to throw in the DerivingStrategies
language extension,
more for explanatory purpose than anything else. It allows the developper to specify
how to derive instances.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
-- ^ that's part of GHC, as the name suggest
data MyRecord = MyRecord
{ tag :: String
, number :: Maybe Double
deriving stock (Show, Generic)
-- ^ ^ thanks to DeriveGenerics
-- | this is coming from DerivingStrategies
deriving anyclass (Csv.FromRecord)
-- ^ this is the magic line. We get the instance for free !
So that's an improvement, we don't need to write the FromRecord
ourselves thanks
to cassava providing the machinery for that through Generics.
Newtypes and DerivingVia
Now, the problem with the previous solution is that it doesn't work /o\
The generically derived instance for Maybe Double
returns Nothing
if the field is empty,
but in this case, it's a NaN
and so it will fails to parse. As an aside, don't forget to
write tests for these kind of situations ;)
So let's fix that with a newtype and a custom FromField
instance so we can keep the automatic
data MyRecord = MyRecord
{ tag :: String
, number :: MaybeNaN Double
deriving stock (Show, Generic)
deriving anyclass (Csv.FromRecord)
newtype MaybeNaN a = MaybeNaN { getMaybeNaN :: Maybe a }
deriving (Show)
instance (Csv.FromField a) => Csv.FromField (MaybeNaN a) where
parseField raw =
if raw == "NaN"
then pure (MaybeNaN Nothing)
else MaybeNaN . Just <$> Csv.parseField raw
Now, everything works !
The name MaybeNaN
isn't very nice though. Quite often you want a better name which
describes better the meaning of the field. This is where you can use DerivingVia
to get the behavior you want without having to write custom instance for each newtype.
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
-- ^ this implies DerivingStrategies
newtype NullableNumber = NullableNumber { getNullableNumber :: Maybe Double }
deriving stock (Show)
deriving Csv.FromField via (MaybeNaN Double)
Or if you prefer, you can use a standalone deriving like so:
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
deriving via (MaybeNaN Double) instance (Csv.FromField NullableNumber)
The Generic deriving mechanism is very powerfull and pretty widely used. Aeson is the other
very popular library exploiting this mechanism. It's an easy way to get a lot for free.
The most impressive usage of Generic
I know is the library generic-lenses which gives you lenses and prism all thanks to Generic
The DerivingVia
mechanism is a nice addition to have concise yet extensible instances. It really
shines when you want the same instance on multiple different types.